
Archive for the ‘vancouver whitecaps’ Category

Welcome to Sporting Vancouver


Welcome to the premiere edition of The Sporting Vancouver Web Log.  Here you will read about sports in Vancouver.  Wether professional, amateur, or recreational, all sports will be covered.  Vancouver sports teams and sporting events in the city will take center stage, but sports of interest taking place elsewhere will also be talked about.

We will venture to provide in-depth discussion and coverage of the most popular sports teams while also writing about lesser known local teams and events, thus providing a truly wide spectrum of sports coverage.

The latest Vancouver Canucks trade rumour, wether BC Lions head coach Wally Buono should start Buck Pierce or Jarius Jackson, will the Vancouver Whitecaps GM Bob Lenarduzzi ever convince city hall and the Port of Vancouver to give team owner Greg Kerfoot the go-ahead to build a soccer stadium with his own money?  These are examples of the types of professional team sporting interests that will be discussed in this space.

We welcome comments on any of the topics discussed, as well as suggestions for topics or local sporting events to be covered.

We hope to serve the growing Greater Vancouver sports market and create a social media alternative to the traditional sports coverage we have grown accustomed to here.